Wednesday 20 April 2011

3 days (well 6hrs over 3 days) to dig the potato bed!

Preparation underway for the digging over of the potato bed - am going to plant second earlies and maincrop here - we love potatoes!
starting the potato bed

half way through

all finished - just need to chose potato varieties now!

17th March 2011 - the fruit has arrived

An exciting day - at last! The fruit trees are in, the autumn raspberries are planted and the rhubarb is settling in for the year.

the fruit beds

rhubarb joins the strawberries and blackcurrants

lovely rhubarb - thanks mum and dad!

autumn fruiting raspberries - thanks mum and dad!

fruit trees are planted - let's hope they survived the winter
apple, pear, plum and cherry

looking across the site - looking good

8th March 2011

strawberry patch

ready dug for the fruit tree planting
March means more digging. I ordered some fruit trees to put in during the autumn but then it snowed. I have had then wrapped in their plastic cocoon for about 3 months now so I am hoping they haven't gone too far, were kept snug and are now ready for waking up!

5th February 2011 - return to the allotment

strawberries survived!
First trip back to the allotment after the hard winter. To be honest it hadn't been worth venturing out until now and I was pleasantly surprised by the conditions.

December 2010 - no allotment action!

About 2 weeks after planting the broad beans - winter arrived in the Cotswolds!

No allotment action for about 2-3 months in the end. The thermometer was reading -16c!

Here is a view from the lounge window - you can see the incinerator sheltering in the arbour, waiting to go to the allotment but we were definitely snowed in!

20th November 2010 - arrival of the compost bins

double compost bins -
thanks for helping dad, thanks for finding them hubby!

planted broad beans to overwinter

30th October 2010 - progress

path by fruit section

looking across vege plot

path between fruit and vege sections

looking across the whole plot

24th October - looking more like an allotment


marked out plot

Looking towards Cecil's scarecrow

marked out beds and paths

the strawberry patch and fruit end

a view across the allotment

Catch up 2010 continues

the main path is visible

still a night-mares tail!

it can be cleared!

Strawberries and blackcurrants

Catch up on 2010

I meant to start the blog last year and keep an accurate record every time I went to the allotment - sadly this didn't happen!

I started the allotment in May 2010 and from that point we had a prolonged period of dry weather, which demoralised me and prevented me from digging the plot over. I had to leave it to the ravages of the blessed mares tail.

Here are a selection of images to represent the year and I will start afresh this spring!

29th August 2010 clearing a path

3rd September 2010 beds emerging and strawbs planted

2nd October 2010 - more paths

2nd October - paths and potatoes

Monday 4 April 2011

Welcome to the blog!

Finally I have worked out what to do and how to extract all the lovely photos off my phone.

Prepare to be overcome with excitement at the revelations of life on the allotment! Seriously, not really that exciting but I will have a record of progress and a great form of motivation.

August 2010 - untamed wilderness!
Let me know what you think.