Saturday 2 February 2013

The allotment vineyard

To celebrate the centenary of our allotments, a vineyard was planted up last year. It's looking good and one day should be producing our own allotment wine!

Feb view of plot

The middle bed doesn't really have anything in and will need digging. This year I have decided to bite the bullet and see if someone can rotovate for me. I don't usually do this as it worries me that the mares tail will become even more rampant. However, due to the changing weather patterns and my seeming inability to get to the lotty as much as I would like, if I don't take this option, then I will increasingly be behind on my planting.

I am determined to have a flourishing patch this year and lots of cut flowers so will need to see if I can secure some help.

Feb view of the plot

The amount of rain we have had, then gales and snow and ice meant I did wonder how the willow would fair in its first proper winter. I wasn't really worried but the gales had caused me to consider the whips could have snapped off.

As you can see from the photo this wasn't the case and the willow is growing well, well it does love the wet which is a good job. As it was the first year after planting I haven't cut back this year as advised so can only assume it will be mega tall come the end of summer.

Am pleased I planted it as it at least makes the allotment look loved. Am considering some more, but patience and I will be able to plant my cuttings next winter.

Feb view of fruit section

To be honest, this was my first trip to the lotty since November. In the meantime we have had rain...lots of rain..last time it was already soaking and we have also had a couple of periods of snow and ice and gales. Needless to say I was not expecting it to look brilliant.

However, despite a chilly wind blowing through the site, it was not as bad as anticipated. It actually looks like how I left it, the fruit tree are all holding up, raspberry canes sticking it out and strawberries, blackcurrant and rhubarb still growing.