Wednesday 14 September 2011

Where did the winter squash go?

After trying the unique circle planting with hub, next visit shows the winter squash have disappeared. Some tell tale holes are left, rabbit? Deer? Fox? Badger?

I reckon Mr Fox had a feast, he is more than welcome on my plot, as are other creatures, but hope they don't steal too much before it gets established next time!

The latest view towards the orchard

I know It's a bit grand calling it an orchard but it keeps me happy. The apple tree is not looking brilliant, strangled by some bind weed and branches broken off, not sure if something has been eating it or it is just not happy.

Jersey royals potato harvest

These were planted late and were a gift from John, a fellow neighbour on the allotment. Pretty good harvest I think.

This section of plot is not great, even with these potatoes in, the ground is still heavy and very clumpy. Lots work to here here, must get more pins and cover the ground over for winter I think.

My first ever sweetcorn appears

I know they are small but I am pleased that small cobs are forming. This is the first time I have grown sweetcorn. They did go in late, doesn't everything on my plot. However, I didn't really think they would do much, lets hope we have some warm and wet days to get them maturing.

Potatoes gone, sweetcorn and spinach beet still going

Planted another row of spinach beet. The other looks like it has settled in well although not growing massively. Still nothing appears t have eaten it yet unlike the winter squash planted at the same time which has mysteriously disappeared. See other blog post for evidence!

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Scrummy raspberries

Well they are on the edge of the plot but still mine. Need to dig up the ones that have sprouted and translate to my raspberry area.

They are yummy though

The orchard

Still undecided what to do around the trees. Decided to start clearing and cover up for now so I can cut down on unnecessary weeding. Probably going to leave and maybe cover with wood chip pings or something.

Will have to have a think....

Green manure started

Forage rye sown from on half the plot. Let's see if it works, steady rain just as I was leaving so should give it a good start at least.