Saturday 4 May 2013

Visiting wildlife at the lotty

Thursday was a great day at the lotty, out of the corner of my eye caught sight of an animal moving across the farmers area, thinking it was a fox out early I carefully turned to catch sight of a hare running across the field, swiftly followed by another. They stopped for a customary box and then chased each other out of site. It was a truly amazing site and never thought I would see them up there. They are one of my favourite all time animals so was a very special bonus and home they stay safe.

Bank holiday weekend

Took a couple of extra days off this weekend to get cracking on the allotment. Fortunately the one bed has now been rotovated which is going to be a big help especially as I think the season is about 3weeks behind here.

I am yet to start seed sowing which is not great but on the other hand I think it has been too cold to make any difference.

The remainder of the weekend will see a sowing frenzy and ordering of cut flowers to sow on the flower patch. This will be the first time the soil at the lotty has been possible to direct sow in so will see how I get on.

Friday 3 May 2013

Willow weaving

Really pleased with the willow, should have some good whips to weave in the winter. All branches have made it through the winter. Some a little windswept but it is a rough plant and makes a welcome sight on the lotty.

Blackcurrants fruiting

Blackcurrants have been in for a couple of years now and look promising for fruit this year. Probably only a small crop but still I have nurtured them from small are root plants to the size they are and it's definitely worth it.

Strawberries sorted

Dandelions had started to take over again and the strawbs are always in need of a tidy up. Some hand weeding was called for and the bed looks a little more loved. Definitely need some soil conditioner to put around as a mulch but they they have all had some organic feed so fingers crossed for a good harvest.

Productive morning

Blossoming fruit trees

Fruit tress are now in leaf, only 2 weeks ago there was nothing (see earlier blog photos for April). Blossom is definitely later this year, I reckon we are about 3 weeks behind.

Cherry is blossoming first though as usual and still a lovely shape.

Sorting rasps and strawbs

Bottom photo is the before, dandelions prevalent and tidying required. Looking better now though.

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Middle bed has now been rotavated and it looks really good. Just need to get seed sowing. A cut flower bed is planned along with some beans and pumpkins.


Lovely rotavated middle bed. Have not gone down this route before and am still worried about the weeds that will appear Ian bum dance. Plan is to do a cut flower patch and try and out manoeuvre the weeds before they take hold.

Will be ordering some this weekend. Will update when update.