Saturday 21 July 2012

Nice view

Sometimes I am so focused on my plot I forget what a beautiful backdrop it is. Lots of birdsong while you work especially buzzards, church bells ringing and a really chilled atmosphere.

The orchard

Looking ok not sure I will have fruit though.

Weedy patch

One day I will be able to bring you photos of crops rather than weeds! For now though thistles and bindweed.

Wildflower meadow

Looking reasonable and probably best its been since I sowed it in my first year but could do with more flowers.

Willow in view

Here are the after shots. Cleared around edge the pathway and looking back down the linking pathway.

Now that is much better.

Willow amongst weeds

The willow I planted earlier in the year is doing really well despite an initial deer nibbling incident. However, the weeds are doing better so todays plan was to clear the area and make it look loved again. Here are the before shots.