Saturday 15 March 2014

Herb bed dug with fancy edging

Had a brainwave today. Sometimes the plot seems overwhelming, lots of bare land and no idea where to start. I have decided to try and think like a smaller allotmenteer and then upscale. By creating a series of smaller beds the large area becomes more manageable and can cope with a mix of flowers and veg, annual and more permanent crops. 

This bed will be a herb bed, I already have chocolate mint which has over wintered and is already spreading. I will focus on crops I can use in cooking as well as cutting to complement the flowers for a more rustic feel. 

I have edged with some of the willow off cuts, they may sprout but if nit they at least add some height and interest and make the plot look a little more loved. 

Each bed is a scaffolding board length and two boards wide. There will be a board width between each bed for access. Thus size allows access from each side of the path to the middle of the bed so you never have to walk on the bed to tidy. 

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